Wadham MCR members have access to a wide range of welfare provision offered within College, by some departments, the University, and beyond. The most comprehensive information can be found on the main Wadham Welfare site. Please also refer to the Wadham Handbook and the Fresher’s Pack for more sources of support, information and help, including those (e.g. Tutor for Women, Senior Tutor) who may not be available in an emergency but can help in other circumstances.
In addition, please find here some extra information on MCR-related support. If you’re wondering where to turn, email the College Welfare Advisor (welfare.advisor@wadham.ox.ac.uk) to have a chat about options.
The MCR welfare team provides a range of events and support throughout the year, including the popular welfare brunches as an opportunity to meet your peers and feel connected to College.
Peer Supporters are Wadham students trained in listening skills by the University Counselling Services. They are bound by a confidentiality policy set by the SU, and are available to let people talk through whatever is on their mind, or refer them on to more specialist organisations. You can contact them individually or e-mail peersupport@wadham.ox.ac.uk to get in touch.
IN AN EMERGENCY, ring the Lodge (77999 or 01865 277999 from a non-college phone) or the emergency services (police/fire/ambulance on 999). Please make sure you also inform the Lodge to arrange site access.
Out of hours (evenings and weekends during term), there is always a Sub-Dean available. You can reach them via the Lodge (ring 77999 and ask them to get a Sub-Dean to contact you) or email them on sub-deans@wadham.ox.ac.uk. The College GP Surgery (01865 240501) can provide medical help and advice, including for mental health issues, with an out of hours service available. NHS Direct provides 24-hour advice on 111 or https://www.nhs.uk/.
Full welfare details are on the main College site.
Resources within the university
+ Oxford University Counselling Service (01865 270300) sees students to help with personal, emotional and psychological problems. It is not an emergency service – contact the College GP, nurse or Lodge in the case of serious crisis. Alternatively, email the Welfare Officer and arrange an appointment to talk through referral options.
+ College GP Surgery (01865 240501) can provide medical help and advice, including for mental health issues, with an out of hours service available.
+ Nightline (01865 270270) is a confidential listening service, run by students for students.
Resources in the wider community
+ Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre 0800 7836294 or 01865 726295
+ OUSU Student Advice Service advice@ousu.org or 01865 2888466
+ B-Eat Eating Disorders 08456 341414
+ Oxford Alcoholics Anonymous 01865 242373
+ FRANK (advice about illegal drugs) 0800 776600
+ Emergency contraception: College Nurse, GP or Alec Turnbull Clinic 01865 456666
+ Pregnancy advice line 08457 304030 + Sexual Health information line 0800 567123